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San Francisco Bay Area
This event was part of San Francisco Bay Area

A Workshop for Examining Your Personal Death Awareness

A Workshop for Examining Your Personal Death Awareness
Join us as we lead participants through an experience of examining one's relationship to their own mortality through the completion of a Personal Death Awareness Inventory.

In this workshop, participants will explore their relationship to their own mortality by completing a Personal Death Awareness Inventory. There will be opportunities for quiet personal reflection, artistic expression, small group processing, and larger group shares and experiences.

East Bay Agency for Children's Circle of Care will be our host for this workshop. Circle of Care provides Grief Support Groups in Oakland and Hayward for families with children who have experienced the death of a parent, significant caregiver, or other family member.

Morgan West is a homebirth midwife and Program Support Specialist to Circle of Care. Audre Mowry, AMFT is the Oakland Program Coordinator for Circle of Care. Morgan and Audre will lead you through the process of completing your 'PDA' and offer opportunities to interact with your fellow workshop participants to be witnessed, feel more connected, and explore taboo topics while being supported by others.

Ritual & Ceremony Workshop