Death With Dignity: A Question with Countless Answers

The legal and technical aspects of Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) are complex, dynamic, and often misunderstood, but the emotional, religious, and ethical issues tied to it are just as relevant to the political and social landscape, particularly within the U.S.
We will begin with a screening of Living While Dying, a surprisingly uplifting portrayal of several individuals living with terminal illness, who greet their deaths with courage, humor, and creativity.
After the film, Dr. Craig Blinderman, Dr. Michael Rabow, and Reverend Robert Drake will unravel some of the facts and figures, myths and misconceptions, around MAID in the hope that attendees will develop their own informed positions on the issue.
Whether you feel passionately about MAID or the topic is new to you, please join us to dive deep into the nuances of this end-of-life option, provided you bring an open mind and a willingness to challenge your preconceived notions.
**This event is being hosted with the help of Sha’ar Zahav. Refreshments will be served. ALL ARE WELCOME!**