Dying At Home: How To Plan & Prepare for a Home Death

In times past, it was not unusual to die in a place that was both comforting and familiar: Home.
Nowadays, we are faced with increased medical interventions and scenarios. Conversations & planning around death and dying in general can feel challenging and complex. Medical, physical, emotional, physical, legal, & spiritual issues may become heightened and overwhelming. However, with the right support and plans we still have the opportunity to prepare for a good death, and in the setting of our choice. Education and care can assist in better outcomes overall, and support the grieving process of both the dying and the living.
Join our mindful panel of healthcare-based, end-of-life experts who will share perspectives, communication tools, laws, resources and funeral options for home deaths. There will be time allotted for Q & A.
Facilitator: Stefanie Elkins, MA, Continuum of Care Coach & Consultant
- Care Planning Conversations: Karen Morin, RN, Founding Director, Vice President of End of Life Choices California
- End-of-life Options: Stephanie Marquet, MD, Palliative Care Physician & Advisor, Compassion & Choices Medical Advocate
- Home Funeral Guidance: Jill Schock, Clinical Chaplain, End of Life Advocate, Death Doula LA