Heart to Heart® Café 安心茶話屋
Heart to Heart® Café
What if talking about your wishes was as easy as a card game? Heart to Heart® Café is an activity designed to make it easier for participants to identify their own wishes, or for a family member, caregiver, or health provider to understand what a loved one wants done when life is ending. Lead by a facilitator trained by the Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care, Heart to Heart® is culturally sensitive to Chinese traditions around end of life and helps start conversations about end of life wishes. (Cantonese)
談論您的生命末療護願望真的可以就像玩撲克牌這麼容易嗎?安心茶話屋就是為了讓家人,照顧者,或醫療人員更容易了解摯愛在生命末期時想要完成的事而設計的。該活動將以國語進行 & 廣東話。
由二位由美華慈心關懷聯盟培訓的引導者帶領,安心茶話屋是一項很好的活動,特別是在華人社區,可以幫助開啟生命末期意願的對話。 安心茶話屋是一項交流活動,旨在讓參與者更容易知道自己的意願,或讓家人,照顧者或醫療人員了解生命末期時摯愛想要做什麼。