Interfaith Panel on Death and Dying

This panel on Death and Dying will be delivered by the Islamic Networks Group Interfaith Speakers Bureau. Islamic Networks Group (ING) is a peace-building organization providing face-to-face education and engagement opportunities that foster understanding of Muslims and other misunderstood groups to promote harmony among all people.
The Interfaith Speakers Bureau (IFSB) provides interfaith panels made up of representatives from the five major world religions (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Judaism, and Islam) introducing their respective faiths and discussing a variety of topics while modeling interfaith understanding and diversity.
In light of the Reimagine End of Life festival, panelists will address beliefs, rituals, and cultural norms around death and dying. There will be plenty of time for Q&A discussion with ING Bay Area Director Ishaq Pathan (facilitator), Tenzin Chogkyi (Buddhist), Helena Miller-Fleig (Christian), Madhu Kopalle (Hindu), Rabbi Stuart Kelman (Jewish) and ING Executive Director Maha Elgenaidi (Muslim).