Jewish Mourning Rituals. Not Just for Jews!

A Bay Area rabbi and psychotherapist from Jewish backgrounds share rituals and wisdom that support community members through grieving.
Everyone is welcome regardless of religious or spiritual background. Q&A to follow panel presentation.
Guest speakers:
Rabbi Me’irah Iliinsky graduated from Reconstructionist Rabbinical college after a career as a clinical social worker. A community rabbi with a unique blend as a social worker, artist and chaplain. A frequent contributor to the annual “Embracing the Journey, End of Life Fair” event at JCCSF. She is a graduate of the Gamliel Institute, the school of Kavod v’Nichum, promoting Jewish practice at the end of life. She has experience as a hospital and hospice chaplain. She is author of Mapping the Journey: The Mourner & The Soul.
Gloria Saltzman is a psychotherapist in private practice in San Francisco. In addition she offers mourner care through Sinai Memorial Chapel in San Francisco. She has an MFA from the University of San Francisco with a focus on poetry and creative non-fiction. Her work has been published in Pharos, A literary Journal in Paris, Tikkun Magazine on line, The San Francisco Chronicle, and She's Got This! Essays on Standing Strong and Moving On.