Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Infant Death: Living with the Loss

Experiencing miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death too often goes unspoken. Join us for a conversation on how we can open up the dialogue and offer support to families who suffer these losses.
Engage in an enlightening panel discussion with community leaders on this important subject:
Cherie Golant, LCSW, has led San Francisco’s only Pregnancy After Loss Support Group at the California Pacific Medical Center Newborn Connections Program since 2004.
Abby Porth has spearheaded the Memory Garden project at Eternal Home Cemetery in Colma, which will provide a first-of-its-kind communal space for those who are grieving miscarriage or infant loss.
Rabbi Jill Cozen Harel teaches throughout the Bay Area. She has been integral in raising awareness about the Memory Garden and educating the Jewish community about traditional and contemporary responses to miscarriage and perinatal and neonatal death.
Rabbi Daniel Isaacson (moderator) is the Director of Jewish Family and Children's Services’ Spiritual Care Services. He oversees JFCS’ bereavement, healing, and chaplaincy services, which include both rabbinic and clinical support for families experiencing pregnancy-related loss.