Open Death Conversation: Evening Gathering

We dare to look at death directly and consider what we want for ourselves. We consider how we might prepare for not getting what we want when our time comes. At Zen Hospice Project, we trust in the value in contemplating one’s own death, as a way of embracing life fully.
The Open Death Conversation is a forum for discussing the many aspects of death and dying. We are not attached to any outcome. We do not direct the conversation.
Everyone is invited; we only ask that participants show up with an open heart and open mind, and allow themselves to go where they need to go. People from all backgrounds attend our conversations, young, old, many people who have not had experience with death, some people who are facing their own end of life. We have no agenda other than to generate meaningful, energetic conversation free from judgment.
Drawing inspiration from the thousands of heartfelt conversations that Zen Hospice Project has had over the years of caring for dying persons and their families, we invite you to join us.
We offer this workshop for free. Donations toward our work and the education program is greatly appreciated. Donations can be made on our website at