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Watch a recap of Reimagine's 2024 signature event: Why Wait? Living Fully in the Face of Life’s Biggest Challenges
San Francisco Bay Area
This event was part of San Francisco Bay Area

Rituals for Remembrance: A Reflective Art-based Workshop

Hosted by Joshua Cole

Rituals for Remembrance: A Reflective Art-based Workshop
How do we kindle the sparks of remembrance for ourselves and our beloveds? This art workshop provides an opportunity to understand, practice and visualize elements of crafting rituals for remembrance.

Activities will include a brief presentation on the history of rituals, a "gallery" tour of ritual examples, and exercises to guide crafting and artistic expression of participants' rituals on cotton canvases (e.g., collages, hand-written poetry, drawing). The workshop will end with a collective observation/appreciation of the canvases along with concluding remarks and a poem.

Participants will leave the workshop with a canvas visually representing the ritual they intentionally designed for a significant person. The workshop will be facilitated by UCSF medical students interested in psychiatry, palliative care, and health humanities.

Ritual & Ceremony Visual Art Workshop