The Evolution of Your Final Resting Place

Your final investment; how will it look?
Come join us to learn about the cemetery of the future.
•The time has come to evolve on how we honor our love one’s legacy. Natural Passages was created with the future in mind by selecting and maintaining lands to be restored and preserved as natural habitats. Through restorative, conservation-minded land management techniques aimed at maintaining a natural landscape preserved in perpetuity to provide the community with the option to honor their family’s legacy. A meaningful, simplistic and sustainable way of interment. Our sites are essentially nature preserves protected and restored through the endowments provided by those laid to rest on the property; conservation burial grounds as a way to protect nature and serve as a meaningful living legacy.
Upon her return from her native England in 1999, Jane Hillhouse had decided that natural burial was the way of the future. It was already thriving in England so was eager to spread the word here in the States. She founded Final Footprint, connected with an English biodegradable casket supplier, E-coffins, and became his representative in the States several years later. In 2004 Jane took a course in home funerals, which enabled her to offer this option and assistance to her customers. 2005 Jane joined the board of the Funeral Consumers Alliance local chapter in Palo Alto, CA. This is the only national advocacy organization for the public in the States. We have biennial natural meetings open to the public with speakers and discussion groups.
Jane & Juan met at an annual FCA CA State meeting 3 years ago, where Juan was a speaker about natural burial. We will be presenting an educational open-house workshop and demonstration, to learn about how natural burials are different from the current burial practices.