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Watch a recap of Reimagine's 2024 signature event: Why Wait? Living Fully in the Face of Life’s Biggest Challenges
San Francisco Bay Area
This event was part of San Francisco Bay Area

The Mourner & The Soul with Rabbi Me'irah Iliinsky

The Mourner & The Soul with Rabbi Me'irah Iliinsky
Did you know that Judaism has a tradition of life after death? Just as mourning has a process so does your soul.

If art speaks to you more easily than a lecture, if you are a mourner, if you wonder what Jewish traditions say about the soul, come to this unique presentation with Rabbi Me'irah – an artist, teacher, and chaplain. She is presenting this evening in collaboration with the Kavod v'Nichum and Gamliel Institute, the premiere organization providing resources along the Jewish end-of-life continuum.

Portions of Rabbi Me'irah's 4-panel artwork described as a map of the Jewish soul journey will be projected large enough for all to see. She will also have her book and prints available for sale.

Question and answer period to follow lecture.

A sampling of feedback from past participants:

  • “Inspiring, uplifting, hopeful. I’m not Jewish so I learned an aspect of Jewish tradition. Incredibly beautiful presentation.”

  • “Loved her. The beautiful art and how she communicates concepts. Loved discussion about how we mourn.”

  • “Mind blowing Rabbi Me’irah. Very talented to guide us on a map of mourning.”

  • “I was pleasantly surprised at the artistic approach to this experience, the power of symbolism.”
Talk, Panel, & Conversation Visual Art