The Ways We Grieve

Some people get excited talking about remodeling their kitchen. I get excited talking about the ways we grieve.
It wasn't always that way, grief had to change me first. And after it did the growth process was so powerful for me that I now live my life providing support for others as a grief coach and writer.
In this intimate hour together, I will share information and stories that will illuminate the ways we grieve that are not as commonly talked about. My passion topics are disenfranchised grief, which is any grief that is judged, therefore not openly expressed. And anticipatory grief, which is the grief we experience prior to an actual death.
I have conducted interviews on those topics and will share some of those stories so you can hear how others have navigated their grief, how their grief evolved and what words of support they'd give others going through similar experiences.
The evening's focus will be on giving your potentially uncommon grief event a name. Allowing space for your thoughts to exist without judgment and if you are open to sharing, a safe space to be heard. We will also touch on the importance of ritual and memorializing our losses.
It is my belief that grief can be a catalyst to a deeper relationship with yourself. And it is also my belief that when we share our unique stories, they can illuminate someone's else dark corners and provide comfort, connection and maybe even healing.