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San Francisco Bay Area
This event was part of San Francisco Bay Area

Who will speak for your wishes if you are unable to talk?

Who will speak for your wishes if you are unable to talk?
A unique workshop to inform the seniors about the Advance Medical Directive form. Open discussion on health, healthcare options & final decisions topics. 獨特的工作坊,向長者介紹《加州醫療照護事前指示》,並討論健康、照護選擇和最終決定等題目。

Conducted in Cantonese, Dr. Anita Ho, PhD., MPH, Associate Professor of UCSF Bioethics, will engage the audience in the open discussion and go through the California Advance Health Care Directives form together.

After the presentation, Self-Help for the Elderly’s Social Services Staff will connect with guests via the Heart to Heart® Café, an interactive activity designed to enable a family member, a caregiver, or a health provider to understand what a loved one’s wishes when life is ending or when the individual is threatened by injury or disease.

講座嘉賓何子姗博士是三藩市加利福尼亞大學 (UCSF) 的生物倫理學部就任副教授,具豐富演講經驗。她將以廣東話與大家講解《加州醫療照護事前指示》的內容及重要性。主講部份結束後,安老自助處的社會服務部同事將透過《安心茶話屋》與大家互動,安心茶話屋的『安心卡』是一個促進溝通的活動。目的是讓家屬、照護者,或醫療人員了解病人在生命末期的意願或自己生命受到創傷或疾病威脅時的需求與意願。


Advance Care Planning Workshop