Is Art a Portal Between Life And Afterlife?

Jennifer DeLia is a screenwriter, director, producer, actress and humanitarian who also hosts a groundbreaking series of interviews with contemporary artists called "Humanizing the Icon." Join her today as she interviews Los Angeles painter, photographer and medium Bravo Valenti, who will document his journey to becoming a medium and channeler who unexpectedly learned that his own art was a direct portal to ancestral spirits. Be prepared to reexamine your own understanding of the life-death continuum as Bravo explains why Andy Warhol, Allen Ginsburg, Yogananda, Krishnamurti, Leonardo Da VInci, Toulouse Lautrec and others have visited him, and hear the important messages they have asked Bravo to deliver to the world.
A force in both the art and filmmaking worlds, learn more about interviewer Jennifer De Lia:
Learn more about Humanizing the Icon:
Learn more about Bravo Valenti, his art and photography at: