Loss and Grief as Initiation

This time of pandemic has demanded a lot, and each of us is suffering in ways we never have before. While some have only yet experienced disruptions to normal life, others have experienced unimaginable loss. Loss and the natural grief that accompanies it, can be one of life’s primary transformational experiences. Whether we want change or not, loss and grief change us.
In this interactive session, from Zen Caregiving Project, loss and grief will be framed as an initiatory process. While honoring the pain and poignancy of loss, we will consider the lessons that emerge out of our unique experience and how these lessons may be of benefit to others in our community. The session will include short meditations, opportunities for inner reflection, guided exercises, and small group discussions.
Throughout human history, intense suffering has been the threshold that leads us from one stage of life to another. Suffering has been the chrysalis of growth. This territory of change and growth is what we will explore and reimagine together.
The session will be facilitated by Roy Remer, the Executive Director of Zen Caregiving Project. Roy is an experienced meditation practitioner who has served by the bedside of the ill and dying for over 20 years, as well as being a Compassion Cultivation Training (CCT©) instructor and wilderness rites of passage guide.