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Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love
This event was part of Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love

Love After Death: Tickets for the Afterlife

Love After Death: Tickets for the Afterlife
Love does not end when someone dies. Love evolves and takes on new forms, living on through technology, the earth cradling our bodies and the memories which we keep in our hearts and on our devices.

In the future, a whole range of options may exist. From personal data embedded in physical-digital memory devices, to techno-home shrines, deletion rituals and reanimation options. You may even be able to have digital memorial tattoos and implants, employ a digital auditor and pre-record holograms. You could even set up funerals for virtual friends, or use a robotic body with personal data to recreate your personality.

The online workshop will help you chart the different ways that people in the past, present, future and far future dealt/ deal with death and dying. From the Egyptians, who believed that they held the keys to immortality, to the ghosts that we all hold in our machines - divine spectres that live in that space between pixel and memory.

The session will start with a short introduction to introduce the topic and Q&A. You will then be able to select your 'Tickets for the Afterlife' and in smaller groups explore these new forms of ritual practise using simple software. The groups will create visual collages of the emotion and experience behind their chosen tickets and the session will end with all groups sharing their unique choice and visualisation.


Design+Tech Ritual & Ceremony Workshop