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Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love
This event was part of Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love

Reimagine: Life's Big Unknowns, a Healing Breathwork Journey

Reimagine: Life's Big Unknowns, a Healing Breathwork Journey
Join Peace Inside Live for a Breathwork Journey. Transform Your Experience Around Death, Life, Loss & Love. Together let's discuss the big questions about life/death, illness/loss, & love/connection.

Together we will discuss the big questions about life and death, illness and loss, love and connection. Setting our unique intentions to move from sorrow to love, from loss and lack to fullness and connection. Set to powerful music, we will use breath to go through cycles of soothing and activating the nervous system to create space for possibility and open-heartedness. These community gatherings offer support from the collective and expert guidance from master facilitator and healer, Jordana Reim.


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