Sweet Rhythms: Shelter in Sweetness

Whether you’re mastering this quarantine or just barely hanging on, one thing is clear: We could all use more sweetness right now.
Sweet Rhythms: Shelter in Sweetness is a unique virtual experience for the global community to connect through taste, rhythm and movement.
Aaron Kierbel (founder of Rhythmallogy), will get you in the groove with interactive rhythm making and lead creative tasting prompts to ignite your senses.
Vicki Virk (founder of Non Stop Bhangra and Dholrhythms Dance Company), will get your hips shaking and shoulders bouncing with a crash course in bhangra, a joyous Punjabi folk dance.
All ages and experience levels are welcome to shelter in sweetness together!
What to bring:
-Something to make rhythm with--a drum, household object or your own body. Get creative!
-Comfy clothes to move in. (We've heard bhangra dancing is less fun in heels)
-A sweet food/beverage item, anything sweet goes!