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Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love
This event was part of Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love

The End: Art and the D-Word

Hosted by The End

The End: Art and the D-Word
100 creatives contemplate their death by answering 3 provocative questions. Join us for a frank conversation in which we will discuss our inspirations and aspirations for death and dying.

Talking about death is hard. People don’t know what to say. Kicked the bucket. Carked it. Croaking it. Pushing-up daisies. Parting. Passing. Passed over, on, away. The D-word. We have no shortage of names for it, but when referring to, or contemplating death (let alone facing death itself) we are often lost for words. Its time for an upgrade! Let’s begin to shift the emotional stronghold and the societal taboos that we hold about death and dying. Fear doesn’t prevent death; it prevents life.

Death Doula, Justine Topfer of ‘The End’ has asked 100 creatives to dig in and contemplate their death with these 3 questions:

1. When was the last time that you contemplated your mortality?

A) Are you kidding. Never. I’d do anything to avoid feeling mortal.

B) Occasionally. Yesterday I convinced my self that I was dying from COVID, so I now plan to get my will in order.

C) I’m all over it! Death does not wait to see if things are done or undone. I’ve written my eulogy, and I’ve have planned my home death and green burial. My legacy project is up next!

2. Name an artwork with death as its subject that resonates with you.

3. How will you cherish your sweet existence today?

Join Justine Topfer, Brad Wolfe (and a bunch of creatives) for a frank conversation in which they will use visual art as a launching point to discuss their inspirations, aspirations and anxieties around death and dying.

Image: Philippe de Champaigne's "Still Life with a Skull." Philippe de Champaigne/Wikimedia Commons


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