The Shell of Memory

The memories we shared in relationship continue to echo after our person dies. The Shell of Memory is a metaphor for what was and for what informs both our losses and our life. The Shell can be a tangible container which holds our connection and opens up towards our lives now.
We will dive into this metaphor, poetically and creatively, observing how remembering shapes our lives. We will consider the gifts and challenges of grief and how we might Re-member ourselves now, bringing ourselves back to towards a sense of wholeness. After registering, you will receive your own Shell of Memory to print so that you can participate during the workshop, decorating your Shell as you wish, with color and words.
I am a certified grief counselor, thanatologist and author, developing creative tools to help us deepen our grief experience. The Shell of Memory is part of the activities contained in The Creative Toolkit for Working with Grief and Bereavement, about to be released on May 21 as an ebook and in July in print.
Available for pre-order on Amazon.