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Watch a recap of Reimagine's 2024 signature event: Why Wait? Living Fully in the Face of Life’s Biggest Challenges
Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love
This event was part of Reimagine: Life, Loss, & Love

Toward Renewal of Body and Spirit: A Prayer for Healing

Hosted by JCCSF

Toward Renewal of Body and Spirit: A Prayer for Healing
Join us for a moment of sending out intentions for healing with the Mi Shebeirach, a Jewish prayer for restoration and strength. We invite you to share the names of anyone who needs prayers right now.

It’s an impulse to lean on family and friends when we experience pain and illness. We accompany our loved ones through their suffering, and they us. Whether that means sitting together, hand delivering a favorite book or cooling a fevered brow, it’s all about being together.

In this time of social distancing, this has a distinct resonance for those of you who are kept from holding the hand of a loved one who is ill. But we can still reach out, if only remotely to share a song, a prayer or a blessing. One expression for well-wishes is found in a central Jewish prayer for healing called Mi Shebeirach: May the One who blessed our ancestors, bless us. We pray for physical healing as well as spiritual wellness. And we ask for blessing, compassion, restoration and strength for anyone who is ill, and for those who take care of people suffering.

Join us for this 15 – 20 minute moment of singing and sending out intentions for healing and share the names of anyone who needs extra prayers right now.

Register for as many as you like, and we will send out the Zoom link and password the night before.

Ritual & Ceremony
Wellness Spirituality