Virtual Visits: A New Concept in After Death Care

Funerals, memorial services and mourning have been dramatically affected by social distancing requirements to fight the coronavirus pandemic. With mourning traditions disrupted, new technology and apps can help us stay connected to our loved ones in meaningful ways.
How can technology help? Join in this virtual conversation with Joseph Schechter, founder and CEO of AFTR in New York City, Omer Haim, AFTR’s Director of Global Business Operations in Tel Aviv, and Gail Rubin, Certified Thanatologist and The Doyenne of Death in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
AFTR has created an app to virtually visit the resting places of loved ones, using solar-powered cameras in cemeteries. They also offer AFTR Messaging, enabling people to share digital messages and videos with loved ones after death has occurred. Learn how you can stay connected forever.