Character Strengths: Harness Your Strengths in Hard Times

Serious illness or end of life depletes and isolates us. Harness your Character Strengths to experience a shift in your attitude, stamina, and interaction with loved ones, even in challenging times.
When grappling with serious illness or end of life, often we’re depleted and isolated from friends, family and simple joys. Discover how to harness your Character Strengths and experience a shift in your attitude, stamina, and interaction with loved ones, even in the midst of serious challenges. Workshop leader Lisa Buksbaum has led workshops teaching children and grown-ups of all ages the value of “Strengths Spotting,” “Strengths Sharing” and “Strengths Expansion.” She serves as CEO & Founder, Soaringwords, a not-for-profit that has helped 500,000+ ill children and families take active roles in self-healing. Participants take a free, confidential online VIA Character Strengths assessment prior to the workshop.