Chronicles of a Professional Eulogist
Experience an old-school animator's journey into sentiment and soul imprints.
Artist Sarah Jane Lapp will screen her thirty-minute animation "Chronicles of a Professional Eulogist" and facilitates a discussion regarding legacy, inflections of memory, community responsibility for individuals, language, funeral ritual, clergy burnout, and humor. She will also share her experience regarding the creative process of putting together a hand-drawn animation over twelve years, numerous geographies, and in tandem with innumerable personalities including collaborators/world-class musicians Mark Dresser and Dean Bowman, vocal talent Jonathan Milder, as well as New York citizens Alexandra Posen, Shael Polakow-Suranksy, Cindy Hopkins, Laurie Carlos, Daniel Alexander Jones, Muriel Miguel (RIP), and other people who graciously helped midwife this project. Drawing and attendant paintings from the film are also available for exhibition.