Dyalogues & Wishes: Relief comes from knowing answers to questions we never ask

Dyalogues - An entertaining and interactive session, where you're invited to learn how to play a game of a lifetime for a lifetime. A game designed to start a conversation exploring what matters most in life, unique, simple and powerful.
When we are aware of our own mortality, what is essential becomes magnified and everything else begins to melt away. And while none of us know when and how we will die, by practicing how to uncover what is most important to us, while we are well, we give ourselves the best opportunity to live life fully through our final exhale.
Join Dyalogues’ facilitators Dawn Gross MD PhD, Nancy Belza and Paul Puccinelli MFT MS, for this entertaining and interactive session, where you’re invited to learn how to play a game of a lifetime for a lifetime. A game designed to start a conversation exploring what matters most in life, and because life is dynamic, no matter how many times you play, the game is never the same. If you’re on the competitive side, we guarantee the only way to lose the game…is not to play! Participants eave inspired and empowered to continue these meaningful Dyalogues with friends, family and community now and well into the future.
Dyalogues: Plan Well, Live Well, Die Well