FUNeral: A Workshop on How to Truly Celebrate A Life and Death

Want the time of your Life? Join Shatzi Weisberger, an 88 year old FUNeral consultant, who wants to share with you how to truly capitalize on the FUN in funeral.
A FUNeral can be a meaningful and joyous celebration of Life and Death for people of all ages. Shatzi will share her insights and her inspiration for what has evolved into a profound, meaningful and fun way to celebrate this life's journey. Shatzi states it best... "I recently gave myself a FUNeral. I'm 88 years old, so I thought it was about time. More than 100 friends and relatives, including a journalist from the New York Times, shared in this experience with me. A FUNeral can be can be a meaningful and joyous event and in this workshop, I will share with you how to create your own FUNeral."