How To Get The End Of Life Care You Want While Avoiding Unwanted Medical Care
Learn how you can have your end of life wishes respected and receive high-quality care.
What is palliative care and how and when might it benefit you? What are the Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment form (MOLST) and when should they be completed? How can hospice provide for a better quality of life and a more peaceful death and what are the challenges with accessing hospice?
David Leven, who was Executive Director of End of Life Choices New York for 14 years and is now Executive Director for Emeritus and Senior Consultant to the organization, will give a talk on how patients can receive high-quality health care and treatment that they are entitled to and want near and at the end of life.
David will lead an interactive discussion and answer questions on patient rights, advance care planning, important relevant laws, pain management, palliative care and hospice, as well as options patients have to relieve their suffering and have as good a death as possible. This event will be limited to 12 attendees so that there will be as much time as possible for individual questions.