Practicing for life and for death: Worship Service

Can worship be a way to practice for life and for death? Worship at Union is expressed in ways as diverse as the city that surrounds it. Worship will be followed by an open session of The Conversation Project’s Conversation Starter Workshop from 12:45-2:00pm.
From the traditional to the innovative, Union’s worship answers the creative and spiritual inspirations of the community. Come pray, sing, and participate in this practice for life and for death. We will remember and celebrate those who have gone before us.
Worship will be followed by an open session of The Conversation Project’s Conversation Starter Workshop, which helps you identify your own end-of-life wishes and provides tools for talking with loved ones openly and honestly about what matters most to you and to them at the end of life, ensuring that those wishes are expressed and honored.
James Chapel; Union Theological Seminary
Worship: 12:00pm-12:30pm
Workshop: 12:45 – 2:00pm