Remembering the Love & Releasing the Pain After Loss

David Kessler's personal experience as a child of witnessing a mass shooting while his mother was dying in the ICU helped him begin his journey. Based on decades of working with the dying and grieving, as well as his work with co-authors Elisabeth Kubler Ross and Louise Hay, this event will transform your work and your life.
Loss can be painful and traumatic. But hope, healing and happiness are still possible. In this workshop, you will learn to navigate the often unknown terrain of grief. We live in a society that often wants and or asks us to get over our losses. Yet, we often feel stuck in grief. Do you suffer from any regret or guilt of things said or unsaid?
Learn ways to release these painful "what ifs," and regrets. This workshop is perfect for those who work with people in grief as well as those dealing with a loss in the last few years. Join David Kessler at this remarkable event which will help us understand that healing doesn't mean forgetting, it means remembering with more love than pain.