Site: Yizkor
Maya Ciarrocchi with The Theater at the 14th Street Y and LABA: A Laboratory for Jewish Culture

Site: Yizkor creates space for mourning and remembrance through participatory writing, reading, and conversation. Following the model of the Yizkor Book, participants will write their own Yizkor pages while reading and discussing selections from existing books.
Site: Yizkor is a performance in the form of participatory writing, reading, and conversation that centers on the lost and forgotten spaces left by the dead. During the event, artist Maya Ciarrocchi will present a performance lecture that deconstructs the mythologies of her ancestral history by tracing the destroyed architectural sites in Poland where her family originated. Following the lecture, attendees are invited to read and discuss selections from existing Yizkor Books. Yizkor Books are books published by former residents of towns in Europe as remembrances of homes and people lost during the Holocaust. The event will conclude with participants writing their own memories of the dead and lost as a process of remembrance and mourning.