SOARING into Strength: Positive Psychology Master Class

You've heard about Positive Psychology. Experience the latest scientific findings: Growth Mindset; Positive Emotions; Engagement + Flow; Stronger Relationships; Resilience + Heightened Gratitude.
Come behind-the-scenes to learn how to use the latest scientific findings through hands-on experiential exercises to teach you how to Shift Your Thoughts with a Growth Mindset; Experience more Positive Emotions; Engagement and Flow; Stronger Relationships; Resilience and Heightened Gratitude. Lisa is CEO & Founder, Soaringwords, a not-for-profit that has already helped 500,000+ ill children and families take active roles in self-healing. She has a Masters in Positive Psychology from UPenn (under the leadership of Dr.Martin Seligman) and has presented hundreds of workshops to audiences hungry to experience more flourishing.