What Social Workers Should Know about End of Life Care

Social workers who take this workshop will be able to significantly improve their clients’ end of life care by learning about advance directives, hospice, palliative care, and treatment options.
"What Social Workers Should Know About End of Life Care" provides a comprehensive overview of end of life topics for licensed social work professionals in New York State. Participants will increase their knowledge of end of life treatment options, advance care planning, palliative care, and hospice and will be better prepared to help their clients to receive more effective end of life care and have their health care wishes respected.
After attending the workshop, participants will be able to explain why dying is very different today than it was a hundred years ago; the difference between a health care proxy, a living will, a MOLST form, and a do not resuscitate order; specific laws that protect patients’ rights to make their own choices about the type of care they want; how hospice and palliative care can provide for a better quality of life and a more peaceful death; and why pain is undertreated, and what can be done about it.
This workshop will provide 2.0 continuing education hours. It will be presented by Laurie Leonard, LMSW, Executive Director of End of Life Choices New York. She has worked in hospice, hospitals, and communications and specialized in end of life issues. She earned her MBA at the Harvard Business School and her MSW at Fordham University.