Finding Hope: Healing from Trauma

Finding Hope is a safe space to share your trauma and turn toward hope. Through conversation, meditation, and ritual, we honor our individual experiences in supportive community.
For those of us who have experienced trauma, the traumatic experience will always be part of our lives but doesn’t have to define our lives.
The registration fee supports the work of Rites of Passage, LLC with 10% donated to Reimagine. We have a sliding scale of $8, $12, or $16. Our basic fee is $12. Pay less as necessary or more if you want :)
Finding Hope is a monthly online support group for those seeking to heal from trauma and is generally offered on the third Thursday of the month at 7pm (ET).
Please contact Kristabeth Atwood at with any questions.
**Kristabeth Atwood, M.Div is the founder of Rites of Passage, LLC. Through Rites of Passage, Kristabeth helps people through the spiritual, emotional, and practical aspects of change by:
– providing inclusive spiritual support for life’s big questions,
– offering tools to plan for life’s changes,
– educating on the transformative power of change, and
– designing and officiating personalized rituals to mark life’s transitions.
As a Life Transition Specialist, Kristabeth uses her gifts as a ritual designer, officiant, spiritual guide, and discernment coach to walk with people through life's changes. She feels privileged to help people honor and mark the meaningful moments that encompass all the seasons of life – from birth to death.**