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Creating Space
This event was part of Creating Space

Move Your Grief

Hosted by Move Your Grief

Move Your Grief
Join a sacred space to be held, honored and witnessed in the grief you carry. Through meditation, movement, art-making and sharing, attendees will move and be moved by their grief.

This event is a didactic and experiential workshop about the sacredness of grieving as a portal between life and death, dark and light, this realm and the next.

Using the creative process in partnership with spirit can create space for unexpected changes to unfold. Using the tools of meditation, both guided and unguided movement, art-making and sharing in community, participants will be tenderly held to allow the grief they carry to shift, change and transform. Special attention will be placed on the value of incorporating the body into grief work. All grief and bodies are welcome.

I am a dance/movement therapist and counselor based in Chicago, and I hold sacred space for embodied grief for individuals, couples, groups and organizations as well as through events and retreats. Get connected to this support at


Movement & Dance Ritual & Ceremony Workshop Storytelling Grief Support
Wellness Spirituality