Death Over Dim Sum

Death over Dim Sum is a bilingual discussion over dim sum that brings together local end-of-life experts and Asian American Pacific Islanders of all ages. We hope to start a conversation between generations in a culture where discussion of death is often taboo.
Each table will have an order form akin to a traditional dim sum service, except instead of food items listed, you will decide on topics, questions, and conversation starters. Together with your table, you will decide on what items to “order” from the form, which will in turn spark conversation with the rotating subject matter experts in attendance.
We will have subject matter experts from the following areas in attendance:
- Aging/senior care
- Hospice care
- Palliative care
- End of life care
- Spiritual care
- Funeral planning
Rest assured, conversation won’t be the only thing served! We will provide food, tea, and activities to fuel participants into the evening.
We encourage our attendees to bring their loved ones regardless of language level! All materials will be served in both English and Chinese (Mandarin & Cantonese), and we will have translators in attendance. While this event is framed around a Chinese American perspective, all who identify as Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) are welcome to the table.
Upon registration, please email Holly at if you have any food allergies or questions.
Follow us on Instagram at @deathoverdimsum for more updates on special guests and future events!