談生論死 End-of-Life Conversation with Chinese American Families
• 如何和父母談論他們的療護計劃?
How to start the advance care planning conversation with parents?
• 每次提起這話題,子女總是打斷我想說的事…
Every time I tried to start the conversation, my children interrupted me.
• 醫療人員如何與病人和他的家屬談論事前指示?
How do healthcare providers discuss advance care planning with patients and their families?
• 美華慈心有什麼資源或工具可以幫助世代間開始談生論死?
What resources and tools can CACCC provide to help start the conversation?
• 醫師:Esther Luo, MD
• 社工師:Sandy Chan, LCSW, APHSW-C
• 護理師:Sandy Chen Stokes, RN MSN
• 家人照護者:Alex Tsao, PhD
• 靈性輔導師:Rev. Daniel Hsueh, CMI, CCHI
• 女兒角色:Kaiwen Zhang
• 父親角色:Ray Yu