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Orienting Towards Joyful Transitions

Orienting Towards Joyful Transitions
What do you want to experience when you transition? How can you and your loved ones tap into the expansive healing and joy inherently available during time of transition? Join us for a free workshop.

The Joyful Death Institute presents "Orienting Towards Joyful Transition" to help individuals and their families first open to the possibility of a healing and enlightening death experience, then take small steps to allow this vision to unfold.

Some part of each of us recognizes the underlying potential for healing and release that occurs around transitioning, but sometimes we get stuck.

How can we find, introduce, and share the potential for limitless joy around the transition process? Not just for ourselves, but also for our loved ones?

During our workshop we will share how we help reorient through preparing and planning, as well as praying and practicing. We follow Buddhist wisdom and take a look at the current beliefs, concerns, fears, or worries that may be in our way.

We will explore opening up new pathways and channels for finding answers, peace, and trust to open to the miraculous process we will each get to experience.

This is a free workshop we hope to offer regularly within the Reimagine community.

You can find out more about us at:


Talk, Panel, & Conversation Workshop Community Gathering
Spirituality End-of-Life Planning Faith Kids & Families Living Fully