The Book of Life Project

Pastor Corey L. Kennard is Pastor of Amplify Christian Church and also serves as an activist in the field of healthcare. His holistic approach (body, mind, and spirit) serves as the foundation for his desire to see all human beings treated with dignity, honor, and respect in all facets of life. He has served as a National Advisory Board Member for The Hospice Foundation of America and as a Co-Director of a Community Faith “Advance Care Planning” Project for the University of Virginia. He currently serves on the Board of several healthcare-related organizations, including Reimagine: End of Life.
Join Rabbis Sydney Mintz, Yoshi Zweiback and Matthew Gewirtz for this fascinating conversation! The Book of Life Project is a learning, reflection, and spiritual deepening process that encourages a writing practice based on our deepest yearning that we and those we love will be "written into the Book of Life-Zochreinu L'Chayyim" for a year of goodness, health, and peace. The Book of Life Project gives each person the opportunity to make this tradition real in their lives as we meet weekly (in person and now on ZOOM) for meditation, reflection, study, and community. It is our opportunity to partner with our future selves.