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The Lost Travelers Club: Weekly Fellowship of Fathers Circle

August 18, 2024

The Lost Travelers Club: Weekly Fellowship of Fathers Circle
Our kids live on within us and through us. If you are a Peregrine (grieving father) and/or know others who might benefit from this circle, please point yourselves our way. Inclusive space. Welcome.

Facilitated by Henry-Cameron Allen, CTAA, IHTCP Internationally certified Grief & Survival Counselor, Founder of The Lost Travelers Club

This is not a "healing circle." We do not believe that parental grief is something one can ever heal from, nor do we want to... This is a proactive, supportive group of really great men from all over the world who wish to channel our grief well, and break through in honor of our kids. This is a judgement-free, inclusive space.

All are welcome here.

No doubt about it... the grief journey can be a living hell. Still, no one should stagnate and rot in their mourning or grief. There are many dimensions to explore. Let's companion each other on the journey. Actively. Our kids live on within us and through us.

If you are a Peregrine (grieving father) and/or know others who might benefit from this circle, please point yourselves our way.

The Zoom Room will be open every Sunday at 11:50 EST.

Each meeting runs 60-90 minutes, depending on the thread of our discussion. We have a 15-30 minute check-in (longer if necessary) starting promptly at noon.

The Fellowship of Fathers is free to join. Registration is required for each session you will attend.

Visit www.LostTravelers.Club for details and to register.

Subscribe to The LTC Peregrine DadCast 

Inclusivity Policy

The Lost Travelers Club does not discriminate against any person or group of people in our volunteering, hiring/employment practices or in the administration of programs and services, including on the basis of ethnicity, physical ability, sexual orientation or gender identity.


Talk, Panel, & Conversation Community Gathering
Grief Living Fully