Advance Directives & What We Leave Behind

We’ll attend to our Advance Directives, which is a document that specifies which actions should be taken for your health if you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself, and who you would like to assign to guide your care. We will also make plans for What we Leave Behind, such as our bodies, loved ones, etc...
We will go beyond the basics of taking care of these logistical matters, and make space to connect and share throughout the process. You will be provided prompts and time to document information to provide your loved ones, such as how you feel about life and death. My intention is to create a safe, fun, communal space to attend to what matters most.
**If you already have an Advance Directive, please bring it with you. If you don’t, you may join us without one. To get started on one, most states have them available to print for free online. The is a great resource, as it is recognized as a legal document in all but six states. I will not be providing legal advice. I will call on my personal experience and what I learned in Advance Directive trainings, which I completed in both HI and NH.**
Jessica Murby is an author, hospice volunteer, yogi, etc. that has a rare freakish adrenaline tumor condition- the experience of which has led to much of this work. This workshop is based on two chapters of her book ‘Alive for Now: Using Death as a Teacher to Thrive in Life’ which you may preview here: