Free Intro to Death as a Teacher ~ A 6-Week Series

Meetings will be on Mondays, Nov. 1-Dec. 6th, 2-3:15pm PST. There will be various guest speakers throughout.
This series, based on my book Alive for Now: Using Death as a Teacher to Thrive in Life is a community-centered journey in preparing for death before there is an urgent need to do so. We will cover end-of-life preparation such as making our funeral plans, completing/updating our Advance Directives, taking time to honor our loved ones past and present, exploring death philosophically in order to use that awareness to live fully while we are here, addressing difficult matters such as our relationships in regards to regret and forgiveness, taking time to work towards our true passions in life while we are here, and more.
What I have learned through publishing the book is that the actions invited at the end of each chapter are nearly impossible to complete without the support of a community to remain accountable. Once we come together, the actions taken to live more fully through the awareness of death seem to have much more depth and meaning, and can actually be fun.
Through practices in grounding, meditation, contemplation, and group discussion, we will go much deeper than what is written in the book, having the opportunity to integrate the work through various means. We will also apply what arises into real-life action steps through goal setting and follow-ups at the beginning of each subsequent session.
If you have any questions, you are welcome to email me ahead of time at You may also preview the book to see if this work is a good fit for you: