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Harness your skills. Help your community navigate loss.

Reimagine empowers coaches, therapists, hospice caregivers, and grief counselors to host virtual grief groups.

Become a Reimagine Event Host and create a grief group today.
Start hosting
Reimagine collage

Your community is grieving, and they need your support.

Host a grief group for your community, friends, family, or co-workers, and offer a safe space for people to transform pain into purpose.

By hosting an event with Reimagine, you will join grief experts from around the world including best-selling authors on grief, Claire Bidwell Smith, Allison Gilbert, and Deepak Chopra.

Join the world's leading end-of-life events platform

Join a community of leaders committed to opening up the conversation about life and death. You keep 100% of ticket sales, less a small fee from our ticketing partner.

Engage diverse audiences

We are committed to making these challenging topics safe to discuss across underrepresented communities and global cultures and require all hosts to take a training on creating inclusive spaces.

Be part of something bigger

Every community, workplace, school, and family needs space for honoring, listening, facing death, grieving, loving, and living fully. Let's create space to talk about the hard things.

Three simple steps

If you’re already an experienced host, welcome back! To start hosting online, you’ll need to create an entirely new experience and submit it for review following the process below.

Create your Reimagine profile

Share your story. We created a platform to amplify your gifts, and share who you are, and why you are here.

Commit to J.E.D.I. principles

Create an inclusive space. We want to guide you in integrating principles of justice, equity, diversity and inclusion into your event. You are invited to complete a brief training on creating inclusive spaces and sign a pledge to affirm your commitment to these ideals.

Bring your event to the world

Bring your vision to life. At Reimagine, we are here to support you in creating a successful experience, from designing to marketing, and executing your experience.

How Reimagine community collaborators engage audiences

Reimagine founder Brad Wolfe and the band Dispatch performs at the 2018 New York City Reimagine festival

Arts & Entertainment

Concerts, art-making workshops, and theater are all welcome on the Reimagine platform! Made a film about caregiving? Share out the video link and use our platform for a panel discussion.

Dr. Iya Byock in conversation

Healthcare & Social Services

Do your staff need grief support in a creative context? Host a movement or other arts-based workshop with our other collaborators.

Man wearing red bandana and holding red rose bouquet. Background is a Dia de los Muertos altar.

Spirituality & Religion

Reach others beyond your community by producing an interfaith vigil honoring caregivers, first responders, or memorializing those who have died from suicide, racial violence, or other trauma.

We’re here to help

Online events and resources

Learn best practices for marketing and hosting your event.

Community support

Connect with other hosts through Facebook groups and online meetups.

Frequently asked questions

How do I sign up?

What kind of events might I host?

What is the timeline and process for hosting an event?

Where can I see all past experiences for inspiration?