Consider the impact you have helped us make in just three years
More than 60,000 people have attended our festivals
And shared stories about facing serious illness, their fears of death, or the stresses of being a caretaker, but in a new way that lifts people up and creates opportunities for reflection, healing, and connection.
95% of attendees are inspired to take positive new actions
Including talking to their spiritual leaders and loved ones about their own end-of-life wishes, making art about facing death, and filling out an advance health care directive.
90% of Reimagine attendees leave feeling more grateful
They also reported feeling more connected to their communities.
Our experiences are fully intergenerational
The median age of Reimagine attendees is 45 years.
Diversity and access is central to our work
In 2019, more than half of our events were free and held at community-based organizations, senior centers, low-income housing locations, or libraries. 40% were hosted by or featured people of color.