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Necessary to Complete:

Advanced Health Care Directives, including Health Proxy

PREPARE for Your Care

Advance Health Care Directives (for most states), question guides and short videos to help you answer questions about your medical wishes and fill out the Advance Directive form, in English, Spanish and Cantonese


Advance Care Directives and resources for Long-Term Care for all states

Additional Resources

The Conversation Project

Support to help you start a conversation about your end of life health care wishes. Starter kits are available in 14 languages

What Matters: Caring Conversations About End of Life

Based in New York City and guided by Jewish values, engages New Yorkers in compassionate, value-driven conversations about advance care planning.

Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care – Heart to Heart Café

Resources for people interested in materials and programs culturally sensitive to Chinese traditions around end of life,


Easily create your will online

Story Corps

Tools for collecting, sharing, and preserving people’s stories

The Forever Letter (Elana Zaiman)

A book designed to help you write legacy letters to those you love

Death Over Dinner

Resources that help you host a conversation around end of life through engaging dinner gatherings, including a reading, watching and listening library.

Advance Care Planning Workshops

PREPARE for Your Care

The PREPARE workshop provides tools for participants to identify future hopes and wishes for medical care when living with a progressive or serious illness or at end of life; to identify a person who will advocate for their wishes when they no longer can; and to learn how to better talk with doctors and family and friends about their wishes and those of their loved ones. The workshop facilitator takes participants through a series of short videos and a question guide to prepare them to complete an Advance Care Directive or start the conversation with family, friends or doctors. These workshops will be offered in English, Spanish, Cantonese and Mandarin

PREPARE Su Cuidado

El taller PREPARE provee herramientas para que los participantes identifiquen las futuras esperanzas y deseos de los cuidados médicos cuando vivan con una enfermedad seria o de desarrollo progresivo al final de la vida; para identificar a una persona que defenderá sus derechos cuando no puedan hacerlo más; y para aprender a mejorar la comunicación con los médicos, familiares y amigos acerca de sus derechos y los de sus seres queridos. El facilitador del taller muestra a los participantes una serie de videos cortos y una guía de preguntas para prepararlos para completar las Directivas de Cuidado Avanzado o para iniciar una conversación con familiares, amigos y doctores. Estos talleres serán ofrecidos en inglés, español, cantonés y mandarín.


PREPARE工作坊為參與者提供工具,當患有持續或嚴重疾病或生命末期時,得以確認醫療護理上未來的希望和意願; 認定一個在他們不再能為自己爭取權力的時候仍能為他們爭取的人; 並學習如何更好地與醫生,家人和朋友談論他們和摯愛的意願。工作坊引導者會藉由問題指南為參與者做準備,好讓他們完成醫療照護事前指示或開始與家人和朋友對話。

The Conversation Project

Talking with your loved ones openly and honestly, before a medical crisis happens, gives everyone a shared understanding about what matters most to you at the end of life. You can use this Starter Kit whether you are getting ready to tell someone else what you want, or you want to help someone else get ready to share their wishes. Facilitators take participants through the Starter Kit question guide, sharing techniques and suggestions for getting the conversation started and pairing participants to practice discussing their wishes. Workshops will be lead in English and Spanish

The Conversation Project

El Proyecto Conversación

Hablar abierta y honestamente con sus seres queridos, antes de que ocurra una crisis de salud, les da a todos un entendimiento sobre lo que más importa para usted al final de la vida. Puede usar este paquete de iniciación (Starter Kit) bien sea que esté listo para decirle a alguien lo que quiere, o si desea ayudar a que alguien más esté preparado para compartir sus deseos. Los facilitadores orientan a los participantes sobre las preguntas del paquete de iniciación, comparten técnicas y sugerencias para iniciar la conversación y junta a los participantes para que practiquen esas conversaciones sobre sus deseos. Los talleres serán dados en inglés y español.

Heart to Heart Café

What if talking about your wishes was as easy as a card game? Heart to Heart® Café is an activity designed to make it easier for participants to identify their own wishes, or for a family member, caregiver, or health provider to understand what a loved one wants done when life is ending. Lead by a facilitator trained by the Chinese American Coalition for Compassionate Care, Heart to Heart is culturally sensitive to Chinese traditions around end of life and helps start conversations about end of life wishes. This program is presented in Mandarin and Cantonese

談論您的生命末療護願望真的可以就像玩撲克牌這麼容易嗎?安心茶話屋就是為了讓家人,照顧者,或醫療人員更容易了解摯愛在生命末期時想要完成的事而設計的。該活動將以國語進行 & 廣東話。

由二位由美華慈心關懷聯盟培訓的引導者帶領,安心茶話屋是一項很好的活動,特別是在華人社區,可以幫助開啟生命末期意願的對話。 安心茶話屋是一項交流活動,旨在讓參與者更容易知道自己的意願,或讓家人,照顧者或醫療人員了解生命末期時摯愛想要做什麼。

What Matters: Caring Conversations About End of Life

Based in New York City and guided by Jewish values, engages New Yorkers in compassionate, value-driven conversations about advance care planning. Presented in English

*See Full Schedule HERE*