Reimagine is building an online hub for all things end-of-life so people across the world can find the important resources they need, when (and even before) they need them.

This community-driven resource center will help people prepare for death, remember those they’ve lost, wonder about the spiritual aspects of end-of-life, and live fully all the way up until the end.
If you are a Reimagine collaborator, we want to give you the first opportunity to share your resources (free or paid) so that people can find your offerings more easily.
Resources can include services, products, workshops, videos,
art, educational resources, etc. - anything that would be helpful
as people look for direction navigating end-of-life.

If you're interested in sharing your resources with the world, please click the button below for more details on how you can be an integral part of Reimagine's newest initiative.
If you're looking for resources related to end-of-life, we will be going live with our public beta launch soon. Leave your name and email address below and we'll be sure to let you know when you can access all of the resources. We're excited for you to be part of this community!