Expressing the Inexpressible: Poetry for Healing Grief

When someone we love has died, expressing our shattered hearts can seem impossible. Words seem empty in the face of so much emotion and transformation. Poem-making is powerful medicine: a means to bring into the light what was stuck inside, a mirror to see ourselves with more clarity and love. Writing and reading the poetry of our grief brings validation, insight and healing.
In this interactive workshop, we'll use readings and simple exercises to explore your own grief journey through poetry. We'll create poems and share them with other participants in a safe, non-judgmental space (optional). No writing experience or poetic talent required.
Please come with pen and paper or electronic writing device.
Mike Bernhardt is editor of Voices of the Grieving Heart, an anthology of 150 poems by 83 contributors whose loved ones died. He is a trained facilitator in Poetry as a Tool of Wellness.
Jill Bacharach is a Reimagine collaborator committed to addressing the issue of family estrangement. She has an MSW, an MA in Writing, and is a contributor to Mike's book.