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Reimagine Spring Events
This event was part of Reimagine Spring Events

Guided Ritual Transformation Dance Gathering each New Moon

Hosted by Gail Thomas

Guided Ritual Transformation Dance Gathering each New Moon
Guided Ritual Transformation Dance - Gathering in each New Moon. My Tsalagi ancestors dance to balance earth. Participate in an indigenous led dance community with original music and conversation.

Music Composition collaboration with g-delic Planet Utopia

Join in transformation thru symbolic images and ritual as a return to original experience of HUMANNESS. Ritual is to engage in moving into things as a full body experience and breaking thru into transcendence as a human need to experience the embodied symbolic. Our soul speaks thru images and symbols and this practice integrates beyond levels of body and mind, reaching our present and eternal soul as well as collective soul.

We will share teachings and images in dance first, then dance together with guidance. Your choice of video camera on or off, full body dance or hands only.

We will share conversation and experiences after the dance and access community in order to avoid appropriation. We will gather every new moon at 4pm edt for dance and conversation on the 1st day of each month.

You are invited to share this practice with friends and upload photos of your gatherings to our community pages on fb and youtube.

Here is the Zoom Link:

password is embedded in the link so participants will go straight into a waiting room until admitted

See previous dances and presentations in playlist on YouTube link here...

•The Woman who has Herself•

When a woman has herself

you can enter or leave her life

you can flatter or judge her

and she, she will receive or say goodbye to you kindly

and she will thank you and understand your shadows

because she already knows hers.

You probably won't tolerate it and at the same time

you want to own it and you will end up walking away

from her if you don't have the courage to respect her.

When a woman has herself

the Universe Dances at her feet, and She rises.

She becomes compassionate.

She chooses.

She is aware.

She gives and receives Love.

It is easy to recognize it.

The Woman Who Has Herself

she smiles in the sun as in the storm.

She celebrates life and understands death.

She lives and dances the processes.

She doesn't have a hue, she's a rainbow.

Author: Maria Harchanan Kaur


Movement & Dance Ritual & Ceremony Talk, Panel, & Conversation Music & Sound Community Gathering
Spirituality Arts & Entertainment Kids & Families Isolation & Connection Social Justice & Race

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