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Gail Thomas

Gail Thomas

Asheville, North Carolina

I am here to reimagine...

GUIDED RITUAL TRANSFORMATION DANCE COMMUNITY Ancestral indigenous experiental teachings from a Jungian Depth Psychology Specialist. Ritual ceremonies allow us to participate in creations of collective evolution.

My Story

My training in classic Jungian empirical science includes many examples of common symbols arising in dreams, myths, fairy tales and stories of our lives across the world in many cultures. Psychology originated in indigenous medicine ways of healing our spirit as well as our body. My own Tsalagi ancestral experiences are steeped in these ways. As a Jungian Depth Psychology Specialist I can help wit...
My training in classic Jungian empirical science includes many examples of common symbols arising in dreams, myths, fairy tales and stories of our lives across the world in many cultures. Psychology originated in indigenous medicine ways of healing our spirit as well as our body. My own Tsalagi ancestral experiences are steeped in these ways. As a Jungian Depth Psychology Specialist I can help with finding your song and path in life... Hearing your heart sing and opening doors to magic...Using Jungian dream work, mandala art, dance/movement, and music work. My Guided Transformation Dance Ritual ceremonies allow us to participate in creations of collective evolution. DREAMSTORYMAGIC.BLOGSPOT.COM my jungian work examples

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