Wait I'm Not Ready! Peace of mind for Life's Final Chapter

Plan Life’s Final Chapter – Your Family’s Peace of Mind Depends On It
“After suddenly being so sick and in the Intensive Care Unit, my family had to make palliative care decisions. My new perspective? Don’t force your loved ones to choose!” Cindy is a woman with so much life ahead of her. She has young adult children, and she loves being a grandma. She, nor her family had any idea it could all change so suddenly.
I was sitting at my desk working on some projects when all kinds of lights began flashing. It was evening, and the police, fire, and EMS vehicle lights made my office look like a disco dance floor. They took my neighbor away in the ambulance. She was unresponsive. I talked to her young adult son today who spoke of how difficult it was at the moment the emergency crew arrived, and in the days since. “I had no idea I was her health care proxy! How do I know if she wanted them to attack her like that?! (CPR) And yesterday the hospital called to tell me she needed to be on a ventilator and asked me what to do!?” There were tears in this young man’s eyes as he told me how he felt making those decisions.
With laughter amid the tears, and stories of how often Mom had “everything figured out no matter what,” one of her children said, “We know exactly what the funeral should look like. She planned it all herself!” His sister said, “yeah, just too bad she can’t be here to enjoy it.”
As you read these three snippets, does one resonate with you? Does one stand out as the way you want your family to feel?
Join me on March 12, 2022, @ 1:00 pm Eastern for a workshop where we’ll talk about the many choices you can make now that will ensure that your end-of-life comes with peace of mind for you, your family, and those who care for you. The workshop includes insightful information and thought-provoking conversation to begin preparing for changes in your health, both minor and significant. We all have both a responsibility and opportunity to join in the discussion about a topic whose depth and details may ultimately be a matter of life and death. This conversation begins a journey as life situations, health experiences and new information or insight can impact the choices we make. What matters is the conversation.
Don’t wait! Save your seat now.