Life After Loss: A Mindful Approach to Grief and Loss

Grief can be emotionally overwhelming and confusing. In this small group setting, we learn to honor grief as the heart’s natural response to loss, and how to transform the pain and isolation that often accompany loss into an opportunity for understanding and growth. Using mindfulness and the power of group support, participants develop a greater sense of ease in day-to-day life as they learn to live with their losses. This interactive workshop will take through what you can expect when you are grieving, teach you tools to cope with your experience, and provide a space where you can share your feelings in a supportive, respectful environment.
This interactive workshop will take through what you can expect when you are grieving, teach you tools to cope with your experience, and provide a space where you can share your feelings in a supportive, respectful environment. The workshop begins with time to quiet the mind and reflect on one’s grief experience. From there, the facilitator provides time for:
· Group members to express thoughts & feelings about their loss
· Learning about the nature of grief and the journey to healing
· Discovering coping skills to ease adjustment to the loss
· Discussion and experiential exercises
Participants will come away from the workshop with a deeper understanding of the nature of the grief process, what they can expect when they or someone in their lives are experiencing a loss, and learn how to better cope with the effects of grief.
This event is part of Choosing Pathways to Wellbeing in Life and End of Life hosted at the San Francisco Senior Center. To find out more, click here.